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Apart from ensuring no harm to people or the environment, Service and Manufacture Quality is the single most important factor in delivering goods and services to the upstream oil and gas industry.  Operators expect service delivery that is safe for personnel and the environment, efficient and reliable.  When it’s not, the cost of poor quality, such as non-productive-time can far exceed the initial cost of services.

As a professional technology service and manufacture company, COTS attaches great importance to the quality management system and its implementation. It tailors its quality management system to the development needs at various stages, and makes improvements and adjustments in a timely manner to guarantee business development and customer service.

Quality Policy:

COTS maintains a great focus on meeting the needs and expectations of its customers. We seek excellence in products and services through continual improvement by:

Providing clients with high-quality and cost-effective services by domestic leading and world-class petroleum technology.

Our tenets are “Continuous Improvement” and “Implementation”.

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